Religious Education


Groups for children and youth

Religious Education for Students Grades 1 through High School

This year’s religious education program will begin on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.  All classes will meet in person. We will not be offering a virtual option. Class times are listed below. Registration forms are available in the parish office. Please contact the DRE for additional information regarding our parish religious education program. 

5:00 - 6:00 pm     Communion 1 and 2 classes in the Education Building

6:00 - 7:30 pm     Confirmation 1 and 2 in the Parish Hall

6:30 - 7:30 pm     3rd - 6th grade, PreConfirmation class in the Education Building

At this time, we request that all students wear face masks while in class. If you are ill or have been placed in quarantine or isolation due to Covid, please do not attend class.  Contact your teacher or the parish office to inform us of your absence.

Parents, please download the MyParish App, select St. Anne as your parish and request to join your child's class group.  This will be our primary method of communication this year.  


CCD registration forms can be found in the next tab and the calendar is linked below. (this feature is not yet available)

2021 - 2022 Religious Education Calendar


Download CCD Registration Form

or simply fill out form below

CCD Registration

**If you do not receive an email from the Director of Religious Education prior to the first day of class, please contact the Parish Office**

Child(ren) Information
Child 1


Early Registration Fee: On or Before Aug 23
$25 for 1 child
$50 for 2 children
$75 for 3 or more children

Registration Fee: After Aug. 23
$35 for 1 child
$70 for 2 children
$100 for 3 or more children

A retreat fee of $50.00 is added to all Confirmation students fees. Please include this $50.00 in your payment.

Please make checks payable to St. Anne Catholic Church and bring to the office or mail to 614 S. Main St. Berryville, AR. 72616.

CCD Teachers and Aides Needed!

Schedule & Location

Year 1 and Year 2 Spanish Communion classes will meet from 5:00-6:00 pm every Wednesday in the Education Building.

Confirmation Year 1 and 2 will meet from 5:30-6:45 pm every Wednesday in the Parish Hall.

All other classes will be learning virtually this year.